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Route Manifest


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Blitz generates a Route Manifest for you. It allows you to refer to a page by name instead of location:

// Assume you have a page at app/pages/products/[productId].tsx
export default function ProductsPage() { ...

// You can then use Routes...
import { Routes } from "@blitzjs/next"
import Link from "next/link"

// ...to refer to it by name...
<Link href={Routes.ProductsPage({ productId: 123 })} />

// ...instead of looking up the location!
<Link href={`/products/${123}`} />

The Route Manifest is a purely optional feature. It has some advantages, though:

  • improved expressiveness
  • simplifies moving pages to new locations

Query Parameters

Query parameters can be specified together with route parameters.

// instead of ...
<Link href={`/products/${pid}?offerCode=capybara`} />

// ... you can do:
<Link href={Routes.Product({ pid, offerCode: "capybara" })} />

Generating the Manifest

The Route Manifest is generated into node_modules/.blitz directly from your source code. Both blitz build and blitz dev will automatically keep it up-to-date.
If you need to manually generate the route manifest (for example for a typecheck in CI) use blitz codegen.

Using hash URLs

To create a hash URL follow the Next JS docs and spread the route manifest to populate the pathname and query part of the URL object. This works for useRouter() with router.push as well as for the Next JS Link component.

<Link href={{
  ...Routes.Product({ pid, offerCode: "capybara" }), 
  hash: 'yourHash'
}} />

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